Envisioned Comfort
2020in collaboration with Marija Puipaitė
It’s a series of objects based on the construction that allows a broad variety of shapes. More elements you have - more detailed curves you can get. Therefore, this construction can be applied to almost any furniture you imagine. On the one hand, it’s a complex object with lots of elements. On the other hand, not alike other soft furniture - these are completely honest and openly showing the way they are built. The rhythmical construction allows admiring carefully crafted elements - the beechwood joints and the brass fittings. By merging two different design practices Marija Puipaitė (organic, human body based shapes) and Vytautas Gečas (complexity, fragmentation, layering) found a common point where the construction defines and forms a fluid shape into an ergonomic entity.
Pictures by Darius Petrulaitis